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Adult SEL Plugins are sixty brain-based, hands-on, and quick team routines that develop adult SEL skills and improve staff culture, all while helping adults achieve their meeting or professional learning objectives more effectively and faster than before!  From professional development sessions, grade level meetings, department meetings, professional learning communities, and coaching sessions, to district leader meetings and so on, Adult SEL Plugins ® are 1-15 minute routines that seamlessly integrate into your team learning agendas, no matter what education setting you’re in.


Collaborative settings — Where adult SEL is truly developed:  Staff meetings and professional development sessions are the perfect settings to develop adult SEL consistently because this is where adults already meet to collaboratively learn, take risks, make important decisions, innovate, and solve complex problems that help our students succeed.  True collaboration requires adults to mobilize their SEL skills in order to achieve team goals.  Our sixty routines address all the CASEL Five competencies (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making) with ten plugins per competency and a bonus “community building” competency to strengthen staff culture.  


Routines build SEL skill mastery, not a one-and-done, workshops or strategies.  Adults need consistent and relevant opportunities to employ their SEL skills, struggle, reflect, receive feedback, and improve their skills together until they become unconscious SEL habits.  Our routines target more than just behaviors, but the beliefs, attitudes, and thinking processes that underlie them to ensure long-term behavioral change by infusing powerful techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), cognitive neuroscience, and behavioral psychology.


  • Strengthen team culture and performance!  These routines were specifically designed to improve team community, trust, and psychological safety so that members are more engaged, invested, and on-task.  

  • Develop a positive learning culture with plugins for creating community agreements, peer accountability for upholding norms, staff recognition, empathy, compassion, self-care, problem-solving trios, acts of kindness, emotion check-in buddies, self-motivation, and so much more!  

  • Develop their ability to manage their emotions with routines that target personal responsibility, mindfulness, limiting beliefs, cognitive reframing, self-discipline, growth mindset, concentration, motivation, emotional regulation, stress management, resilience, and many others! 

  • Strengthen team performance with plugins that address collaborative problem-solving, power listening, assumption-dismantling, confidence in receiving feedback, conflict mining, data analysis, decision-making, professional learning communities, asset-based student behavior discussions, peer observations, victim vs victor thinking, best practice sharing, and much more!

Who Is This Book For?

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Adult SEL Plugins are for education teams that collaborate to learn, make important decisions, innovate, and solve complex problems that help our students succeed at all levels - academically, emotionally, and socially.  Since the work of these teams is so complex and difficult, it requires collaboration to succeed, not lone warriors. 


For teams to work together effectively, egos, biases, limiting beliefs, ineffective habits, fixed mindsets, and other impeding factors must dissolve and all the 5 SEL competencies must be strengthened in each member:  Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.  Therefore, the very true nature of collaboration requires the employment and development of these SEL skills. 


Adult SEL Plugins are perfect for any setting where teams of adults meet to collaborate and innovate solutions:  Professional development sessions, whole staff meetings, district-wide meetings, department or grade level meetings, and meetings for counselors, psychologists, speech pathologists, coaches, social workers, administrators, district leaders, classified staff, etc.  Whether two adults or one hundred educators meet, these routines still apply.

The Anatomy of An SEL Plugin

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Administrator SEL Competence Sets The Foundation

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The Administrator's Role

Principals are ultimately tasked with the complex responsibility of creating a caring, healthy school climate that is welcoming, supportive, culturally affirming, and respectful of all members of the school community. 


They establish the foundations for positive relationships among all stakeholders, especially the relations among students, teachers, staff members, and the community. 


The success of their efforts is contingent on their own social and emotional competence:  Can they model these skills effectively and create the vulnerability-based trust it takes for adults and students to succeed?  Can they manage their emotions and stress effectively when working with students and adults?  Can they hold all adults and students accountable to school norms and expectations effectively, while strengthening strong trusting relationships? 

Download These 4 Staff Routines

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The 5:1 Daily Check-in

WHAT?  At the end of the day, adults identify 5 things that went well and one next step for improvement before meeting with a colleague for a best practice share and feedback check-in.

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Growth-Minded Reframing

WHAT?  Adults strengthen their growth mindset, resilience, optimism, and emotional regulation with this powerful and kinesthetic cognitive reframing index card activity! 

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Energizer DYADS

WHAT?  Adults develop optimism, grit, and a growth mindset through cognitive restructuring dyads.

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Mindful Moments

WHAT?  Adults will practice and become proficient in several mindfulness strategies for regulating emotions and building awareness of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

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