The Mindset Mastery 5 Day SEL Institute
The Mindset Mastery 5 Day SEL Institute
How can my belief shape my destiny?
How can my belief shape my destiny?
How can my belief shape my destiny?
Day 1 - Personal SEL and Mindset Mastery (8am - 5:00pm)
Aprendizaje Social y Emocional para el estudiante del siglo XXI
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the foundation for success in all areas of life. SEL instruction begins with an effective teacher who is strong in their personal SEL skills and can teach SEL to their students. The challenge is that teachers are stressed, have little time for themselves, lack proper SEL training, and are overextended as new responsibilities are constantly added to their plate. We provide two powerful solutions to address this challenge: 1. Our brain-based and hands-on Mindset Mastery SEL Curriculum and 2. Our innovative SEL professional development that address the following areas.
"Un currículum debe transformar a un maestro antes de transformar a los estudiantes". Nuestro Instituto de maestros de maestría de mentalidad de 3 días transforma la mentalidad de los maestros y los equipa para que sean implementadores seguros y exitosos.
¡Cuando nuestras creencias cambian, ocurren avances! ¡Nuestras lecciones incluyen tecnologías poderosas como la terapia cognitiva conductual (TCC) y la programación neurolingüística (PNL) para fortalecer las creencias de empoderamiento!
¡Nuestro plan de estudios basado en la investigación del cerebro optimiza la emoción, el aprendizaje, la comprensión, la retención y el recuerdo de los estudiantes a medida que los estudiantes descubren el contenido a través de aventuras de aprendizaje cinestésico!
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Los estudios muestran que cuando los estudiantes tienen un propósito mayor que ellos, exhiben más motivación, felicidad y perseverancia en la escuela y en la vida.
Nuestras lecciones aseguran que TODOS los estudiantes tengan acceso equitativo al contenido, sin importar cuáles sean sus diferencias o desafíos de aprendizaje (marcos de oraciones, texto a voz, videos explicativos y más)
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Powerful SEL Curriculum
The Mindset Mastery Curriculum ™ (MMC) is a 29-module, hands-on, brain-based, and life-changing program for developing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills that result in high levels of achievement in college, leadership, and life. The program is designed to help high school and college teachers and students master SEL by creating long-lasting empowering thoughts, beliefs, and habits that lead to success. With over 160 powerful hands-on multimedia lessons, an easy-to-use interface, little to no teacher prep time, multiple scaffolds for all learning differences, and intensive teacher training to ensure program success, teachers have all they need to develop their students’ SEL skills, as well as their own.